Behind the Scenes of ‘Into the Light’

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Behind the scenes : Some portraits taken yesterday by my talented friend Marvin.

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Wearing dress by Rachel Skinner the Label (Available Upon Request) / Animal Print Pumps from Saks 5th Avenue / Silver Ring from Michael Hill Jewellers

Photographer: Marvin Fox from Marvin Fox Photography

A thought..

This is your life.

Do what you love and do it often.

If you don’t like something.. Change it.

If you don’t like your job, quit.

If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV.

If you are looking for the love of your life, stop;

they will be waiting for you when you start

doing the things that you love.

Stop over analysing.

All emotions are beautiful.

When you eat, appreciate every last bite.

Life is so simple.

Open your mind, arms and heart to new things and people. We are

united in our differences. Ask the next person you see what their passion is,

and share your inspiring dream with them.

Travel often.

Getting lost will help you find yourself.

Some opportunities come only once, seize them. Life is about the people you meet, and the

things you create with them.

So go out and start creating. Live your dream

and wear your passion.

C A T S E Y E.




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Lover the Label One Piece Swimsuit / Zara Glasses

Getting in the mood for Summer with soft salty beach hair, freckles, luminous sunlight and the turquoise hues of the ocean.  

Sending a few pictures from the tropical backdrop of Hamilton Island on the Great Barrier Reef. It is places like this that make me so proud to be Australian. One of the most beautiful places I have been to Australia so far, the Whitsunday Islands make me appreciate just how lucky I am to call this country home.

I love day dreaming on the beach, with the sand between my toes and the sun kissing my cheeks. With an array of vivid blues, yellows, pinks and oranges, I understand why Hamilton Island is one of the most admired holiday destinations in Australia.


Photos taken on my iPhone

Ikebana (Japanese Flower Arrangement)



One of the many characteristics of Japan that I personally love, is their love of nature. This love of nature has resulted in a refined appreciation of the beauty of nature in landscapes, miniature gardens hakoniwa, miniature trees bonsai, flower arrangement ikebana, the tea ceremony chanoyu, short poems called haiku and even the art of cookery.

Today we were able to visit one of the Japanese exchange students that we made friends with in Australia and she cooked a beautiful Japanese banquet in her mum and dad’s home. Her mum was the arranger of this beautiful ikebana.

Ikebana (flower arrangement) was developed in the 15th century. The underlying principles of ikebana can be seen here, indicated by the three main branches (they symbolise Heaven, Man & Earth). The stem representing Heaven is the ‘primary stem,’ centre of the entire arrangement and for this the strongest branch is selected. Next to this is the ‘secondary branch/stem,’ which represents Man. It is placed in such a manner as to give the effect of growing sideways and forward from the centre line. It should be three-quarters of the height of the ‘primary stem’ and inclined toward it. The ‘tertiary branch/stem’ symbolises Earth. This is the shortest and is placed to the front or slightly to the opposite side of the roots of the first two. All stems are fastened securely in the vase to give the effect of growing from one stem.

In this particular ikebana, additional flowers have been added to fill out the beautiful arrangement, however they have still kept the correct position of the three principal stems, which is of paramount importance.

Waking up in Innsbruck

This morning I woke up at sunrise to freshly brewed coffee and snow covered windowsills. As I crawled to the edge of my pillow, my surroundings took my breath away. The Austrian Alps majestically towered all around us.

We didn’t want to waste a second of daylight in this centuries old, magical city. We hastily put our snow gear on before venturing out, in order to maximise exploring time before skiing at Patcherkofel. We fell in love with the crisp, refreshing air and the leafless trees in the park. We admired the colourful buildings across from Old Town. We were fascinated by the way that the colourful buildings almost looked squished together. The grey sky simply highlighted their bright hues.


The view of the buildings across from Old Town

We almost skipped along the cobblestone streets, still in disbelief that this city would be our home for the next six months. It wasn’t long before the smell of fresh croissants and espressos drew us into the local bakery, Baguette.

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Delicious creamy coffee from Baguette

Little Black Bambi X x